Monday, June 3, 2013

Urban Dog Living - Housebreaking in a Highrise

Teaching a new puppy to go to the bathroom outdoors is almost a right of passage for new puppy parents.   In the city urban puppies have to be trained to hold their pees and poos a little longer than their suburban cousins. 

As a general rule of thumb your puppy can hold their bladders about 1 hour for each month of their age.   An 8 week old puppy shouldn't go more than 2 hours without a potty break.   If you have a job that allows you to work from home this makes the training a little easier.  If you work for 9 hours a day you will have to hire someone or ask a neighbor to take your dog out for you.

If your puppy is small enough you can carry them quickly outside to get to the designated bathroom location.   Once they go to the bathroom praise them and give them a treat.   If they have an accident in the house calmly ignore them and clean it up quickly.   Do not yell or hit the dog.  This only confuses the dog and makes training more difficult.

Tip for the Day:
Make sure you keep your puppy on a schedule.   Take your puppy out at the same time (or as close to the same time as you can) every day.  This will allow the puppy to know how long he needs to hold it in.

Additional Tip:
Adult dogs (dogs over 18 months of age) should never be left for more than 9 hours without a break.

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