Thursday, April 18, 2013

Urban Dog Living - Canine Good Citizen Owner's Commitment

When you take the Canine Good Citizen certification test you, the owner, sign a pledge.   I believe it is something that every owner should live by whether or not they aspire to pass the CGC.

I have reposted it here for everyone to read, understand and embrace.
Canine Good Citizen Owner's Commitment to Responsible Dog Ownership

I  understand that to truly be a Canine Good Citizen, my dog needs a responsible owner.  I agree to maintain my dog's health, safety, and quality of life.  By Participating in the Canine Good Citizen test, I agree:

I will be responsible for my dog's health needs.  These include:
  • routine veterinary care including check-ups and vaccines
  • adequate nutrition through proper diet, clean water at all times
  • daily exercise and regular bathing and grooming
I will be responsible for my dog's safety.
  • I will properly control my dog by providing fencing where appropriate, not letting my dog run loose, and using a leash in public
  •  I will ensure that my dog has some form of identification (which may include collar tags, tattoos, or microchip ID)
I will not allow my dog to infringe on the rights of others.
  • I will not allow my dog to run loose in the neighborhood
  • I will not allow my dog to be a nuisance to others by barking while in the yard, in a hotel room, etc.
  • I will pickup and properly dispose of my dog's waste in all public areas such as on the grounds of hotels, on sidewalks, parks, etc.
  • I will pickup and properly dispose of my dog's waste in wilderness areas, on hiking trails, campgrounds and off-leash parks. 
I will be responsible for my dog's quality of life.
  • I understand the basic training is beneficial to all dogs
  • I will give my dog attention and playtime
  • I understand that owning a dog is a commitment in time and caring

    Tip for the day:
    Are you living up to the pledge listed above?   What can you change in your daily habits to have a healthier and happier dog?  Don't just think about that change!  Implement it!

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